
Showing posts from December, 2020


 Universal children's day was established in 1954 by the United Nation Organization.This day was dedicated to encourage brotherhood and understanding among children and to promote their welfare.Each country was given the freedom to those an appropriate day .Countries all over the world organize special events for children on this day. SriLanka celebrate children's day on October.  Children's day is celebrated in many ways .Specially in schools .Events are arrangedto children's dayand several kind of compitition are conducted .At this festival children are made knowledgable of their right and responsibilities princes and various spoarts activities are arranged to smart children .Many kind of programme are also conducted radiou8s and television .On that day as children we enjoy the day very happily. written by MINULA


Elders are the people who are a elder than you . They can be even your elder brothers and sisters young boys and girls who are growing up in modern  society need to learn to respect and care for the elders. There are many reasons for that.      We see huge old trees that give us shade.Also us will become older . Also we must respect elders . Everyone will one day feel the same if  a person younger than you doesn't give you the proper respect , so let's make this world a better place for all our elders by respecting and caring them    Written by MINULA        

Antonyms - opposite

  Opposite words in English about – exactly above – below  absence – presence abundance – lack accept – refuse accidental – intentional active – lazy add – subtract admit – deny adult – child advanced – elementary affirmative – negative afraid – brave after – before against – for alike – different alive – dead all – none allow – forbid already – not yet always – never ancient – modern ancestor – descendant agree – refuse amateur – professional amuse – bore ancestor – descendant angel – devil animal – human annoy – satisfy answer – ask answer – question antonym – synonym apart – together approximately – exactly argue – agree arrest – free arrival – departure arrive – depart artificial – natural ascent – descent ask – answer asleep – awake attack – defend attack – defence attic – cellar autumn – spring awake – asleep awful – nice back – in front of background – foreground backward – forward bad – good bad luck – fortune beauty – ugliness before – after begin – end beginning – end behind

Haggala Botanical Garden

     Haggala  Botanical Garden  is one of the  five botanical garden in Sri lanka.  It is the second  largest garden in Srilanka .    Also Haggala Botanical Garden  is situated in the Nuwara Eliya . The garden  has a cool climate because  of  attitude is 5400 feet above the see level . The mean annual temperature ranges between 16 c -30 c during course of the year. From December to february it has a cold climate  while the warm climate presists from April to Augest  The garden was established  in 1861, under George Henry Kendrick the waites as an experimental cultivation of cinchona a commercial crop thriving at the time    Also there are over 10,000 species of flora planted here and during the spring seoson in Nuwara eliya   thousands of visitors come to see the bloom here. Number of annual visitors are around 500,000. The garden is famous for number of  species of orchid and roses are planted here. written by MINULA                                                                     

The Earth

 The surface we live is called the earth . There are natural  things such as trees , rivers , seas as well as man-made object such as building roads ect . There is 71%water on earth and 29%Land. The Earth can be classified into tree part viz.crust,crust and  care. There is a warm as the moves  inward .They are sent to the ground , and they come to the earth  by volcanic eruption . There are snow peaks in the southern himshere on the surface of the earth.            soil on the surface  of the earth is decopes by relaxing various wastes .Also the land is dirty due to ther lack of proper dispoal of garbage Also falling trees can damage due to lack of proper stands.This cause flood, droughs and landslide on the earth. Let us restart ourselves and help the earth.     We must dispose the garbage propely and protect the environment .In our agriculture we protect the earth from harmful . pesicudes . let's protect the earth earth from improper construction .We love this earth.   Written by